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Moment of Time LLC  believes...

German Teacher

Only teachers

Guiding Belief #1: Only teachers, as talented professionals, reflective practitioners, and voracious adult learners, have the answers to solve the systemic problems we face in education today. We must support them to reach their greatest potential as they lead our students and communities.

Male Teacher with Students

Parallel Pedagogy

Guiding Belief #2: We must examine fractal patterns and the power of parallel pedagogy in education.  As coaches, leaders, and agents of change, we must model the best research based pedagogical practices and the same rigorous expectations we hold of teachers.

Online Teacher
Colleagues Working in Office

Personalized Coaching

Guiding Belief #3: The best way to effect lasting change is to empower educators as adult learners by encouraging sustainability,  building efficacy, increasing consciousness, and motivating resourcefulness through personalized coaching.

Teacher in Classroom

Whole Adult

Guiding Belief #4: We should care and attend to the whole adult learner, just as we advocate to care and teach for the whole child, in order to maximize the human leadership capacity and collective organizational intelligence within our profession.

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